The page of Brithenig


`Yn nediwn seint yn llinghedig, yn nediwn seint yn cor'

The Short Obligatory Prayer of the Baha'i Religion

I am not a Baha'i, this was a translation project suggested on the Conlang list.

Eo destfein, O few Dew, ke dy fy es criad a chonoescerty e-dd a-dd addurarty.
Eo destfein a'll adof ci a few amhodeint e-dd a Thew ffeirth, a few boberthad e-dd a Thew rhicheid.
Sa es rhen Dew alltr mai thy, ll'Ayd i Mherigl, ill Sustenen-Medissif.

I testify, o my God, that you have created me to know you and to worship you.
I testify at this moment to my powerlessness and to your strength, to my poverty and to your wealth.
There is no other God but you, the Help in Peril, the Sustaining-Self.

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