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`Yn nediwn seint yn llinghedig, yn nediwn seint yn cor'

Ia Eo Sury

Still I rise

A poem by Angelou Maya.

Yno mi anodarew in ysteir,
Cu llo sew feniwneg afar, torthyd,
Yno mi bedddarew i lla der ruith
Mai ia, sifil pylweir, eo sury.

One may write me down in history,
With one's bitter, twisted, lies,
One may tread me in the very earth,
But still, like dust, I rise

Alltresi llo llyn e llo sul,
Cu segyrdad llo forew
Alltresi llo 'sper llemant alltfent
Ia eo sury.

Just as the moons and the suns,
with certainty the tides
Just as the hopes jump high
Still I rise.

Gwolef-yno gwiddermi ruth?
Lla dest bligad e lla dewogl fassad?
Llo h-ymr chaddan sifil llo llagref,
Defillad di llo few chrid rew?

Wanted-one (to) see me broken?
The head bowed and the eyes lowered?
The shoulders falling like the tears,
Weakened of my heavy cries?

Yno mi saitharew cu llo sew pharol,
Yno mi segarew cu sew ogl,
Yno mi uddigerew cu sew nadyr eidus,
Mai ia, sifil lla wid, eo suryerai.

One may shoot me with the one's words
One may cut me with one's eye
One may kill me with one's hateful nature,
But still, like life, I will rise.

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