Relay 10/R

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WORD (in X-SAMPA) _=_ Original Definition . Metes-specific definitions

amb _=_ Around .
annnn _=_ On .
annnnq _=_ Tight, painfully constricted, painful .
annnnsu _=_ Spirit, demon .
annnnt _=_ Front, forehead .
annnnatuh _=_ worn on forehead .
annnnatuann _=_ (?) on forehead .
apo _=_ Off, away .
apoJ\annnnu _=_ send away {be rid of} a demon .
apotannnnsu _=_ off demon/spirit (mistranslation or religious name?) .
ar- _=_ To fit together .
arq _=_ To shine; white; the shining or white metal, silver .
ararq _=_ to fit together metals {welding? mosaics?} .
arqar _=_ to fit together silver .
as- _=_ To burn, glow .
at- _=_ To go; a year .
assatu' _=_ to burn for a year .
atu'atu' _=_ to go for a year {traveling?} .
au- _=_ To perceive .
auau- _=_ to try to perceive .
auaubartabad _=_ to perceive unexpected thing {deliberately or not} .
attau _=_ to perceive {understand} a year {calendrical signifigance} .
attau'at- _=_ beyond a year .
aubartabad- _=_ to perceive via force .
auC _=_ To increase .
aurC _=_ increase shining .
ausC _=_ to increase the/a shine .
aus- _=_ To shine .
aWI- _=_ Bird .
aWI-au _=_ to perceive bird[s] {birdwatching?} .
aWI-aus _=_ shining bird .
aWo _=_ an adult male relative other than one's father .
ayer _=_ day, morning now,
ayes _=_ a metal, copper or bronze .
bak- _=_ a staff used for support .
bell- _=_ strong .
ba- _=_ to shine .
ba- _=_ to speak .
ba-ba- _=_ broad bean .
bad _=_ good .
baC _=_ to share out, apportion, also to get a share .
baCu _=_ arm .
baCo _=_ beech tree .
barJ\-a _=_ beard .
bartabad _=_ hairy good; something suspicious, something that is suspected to not be as good as it should/might be. .
bartabaCa _=_ hairy sharing; a problem with the rationing system. .
bartabaCu'a _=_ arm hairy; fungus or other muscle problem/pest. .
bartabaCo'a _=_ hairy tree; fungus or other plant pest in or on the tree. .
bartabarsa _=_ hairy barley; fungus or other plant pest [afflicting the plant]. .
bares _=_ barley .
bars _=_ barley .
bau- _=_ to strike .
beCW- _=_ to run .
beI- _=_ a bee .
beIt _=_ to split; derivatives including biting, woodworking .
beIJ\- _=_ to trust, confide, persuade .
bell- _=_ to shine, flash, burn; shining white and various bright colors .
bell- _=_ to blow, swell; various round objects, notion of tumescant masculinity .
bell- _=_ to thrive, bloom .
bellC- _=_ to swell .
bennJ\ _=_ to bend .
bennnnC- _=_ .
beIJ\ _=_ to trust .
benJ\ _=_ to bind .
ber- _=_ to carry; to bear children .
ber- _=_ bright, brown .
bereC- _=_ to shine; bright, white .
berC- _=_ to hide, protect .
berC- _=_ high; hills, hill-fort .
bes- _=_ to breathe. Probably imitative .
beuJ\- _=_ to be aware, to make aware .
beue- _=_ to be, exist, grow .
beuC- _=_ to bend; bent, pliable, or curved objects .
blle- _=_ to blow .
blleu- _=_ to swell, well up, overflow .
boso- _=_ naked .
brater- _=_ brother, male agnate .
breq _=_ to break .
breu- _=_ to boil, bubble, effervesce, burn; cooking, brewing .
bru- _=_ eyebrow; bridge (?) .
ta- _=_ to divide .
taIll- _=_ to divide .
taIWer- _=_ husband's brother. Levirate. .
taqru- _=_ tear .
te- _=_ demonstrative stem, base of prepositions and adverbs .
teIq- _=_ to show, pronounce solemnly; the directing of words or objects .
teq- _=_ to take, accept, .
teq- _=_ .
teqWenn- _=_ to take, to need, to have as goal .
teq(m)- _=_ ten .
teqs- _=_ right [opposite of left]; hence, south [from viewpoint of facing east] .
tell- _=_ long .
tell- _=_ to recount, count .
tem- _=_ house, household .
teme- _=_ to constrain, force, especially to break in (horses) .
tennnnt- _=_ tooth .
ter- _=_ to split, peel, flay; skin, leather .
terq- _=_ to see .
teru- _=_ to be firm, solid, steadfast; specialized senses "wood", "tree"; referring to objects made of wood .
teu- _=_ to lack, to be wanting; to tire .
teu- _=_ to do, perform, show favor, revere .
teue- _=_ long [indulation] .
teuq- _=_ to lead .
J\e- _=_ to set, put .
J\eqW - _=_ to burn, warm; cherish, ash .
J\eI- _=_ to suck; fetus, female, fennel, affiliate .
J\eIq- _=_ to form, build; lady, dough, paradise, dairy .
J\er- _=_ to hold firmly, support; infirmary, throne .
J\ers- _=_ to venture, to be bold .
J\es- _=_ the root of words in religious concepts .
J\eu- _=_ to flow .
J\eu- _=_ to die .
J\eub- _=_ deep, hollow .
J\eue- _=_ to close, finish, come full circle; dune .
J\euq- _=_ to produce something of utility .
J\qem- _=_ Earth .
J\qYes- _=_ yesterday .
J\IqW- _=_ to stick, fix .
speq- _=_ to observe .
spenn- _=_ to draw, stretch, spin .
spennd- _=_ to make an offering, perform a rite, hence to engage oneself by a ritual act sing, music
sper- _=_ to stew .
spere- _=_ ankle .
sreu- _=_ to flow .
sta- _=_ to stand; "place or thing that is standing" .
staI- _=_ stone .
steq- _=_ to cover .
steq- _=_ to stick, prick; pointed .
steIq- _=_ to stride, step, rise .
stell _=_ to put, stand; referring to a standing object .
stenne- _=_ to thunder .
ster- _=_ stiff .
ster- _=_ to spread .
ster- _=_ star .
streb- _=_ to wind, turn. European root .
streIq _=_ to stroke, rub. European root .
su- _=_ pig .
sWad- _=_ sweet, pleasant .
sWe- _=_ pronoun of the 3rd person and reflexive (refering back to the subject of the sentance); further appearing in various forms refering to the social group as an entity, "(we our)selves." .
sWeId- _=_ sweat, to sweat .
sWeldsreu- _=_ nervousness, various aspects of nervousness: shaking, sweating, etc. .
sWeqs- _=_ six .
sWell- _=_ to eat, drink .
sWenn- _=_ to sound .
sWep- _=_ to sleep .
sWer- _=_ to speak, talk .
sWesor- _=_ sister .
sWo- _=_ prominal stem; so .
sYu- _=_ to bind, sew .
taq- _=_ to touch, handle .
tauro- _=_ bull .
tequ- _=_ thick .
teq- _=_ to beget, give birth to .
teqwe- _=_ infant, child {speaking to the child} .
teqwos- _=_ infant, child {speaking of the child} .
teqs- _=_ to weave, also to fabricate, especially with an axe; also to make wicker or wattle fabric for (mud-covered) house walls .
telle- _=_ to lift, support, weigh; measured weights, money, payment .
tem- _=_ to cut .
tenn- _=_ to stretch .
tere- _=_ To rub, turn; with some derivatives referring to twisting, boring, drilling, and piercing; and others referring to the rubbing of cereal grain to remove the husks, and thence to the process of threshing either by the trampling of oxen or by flailing with .
tere- _=_ to cross over, to pass through, to overcome .
terqW- _=_ to twist .
ters- _=_ to dry .
teue- _=_ to swell .
teuta- _=_ tribe .
tqeI- _=_ to settle, dwell, be home .
to- _=_ Demonstrative pronoun. For the nominative singular see so-. .
tollqW- _=_ to speak .
tonnq- _=_ to think, feel .
treb- _=_ dwelling .
treI- _=_ three .
trep- _=_ to turn .
treud- _=_ to squeeze .
tu- _=_ second person singular pronoun .
Ud- _=_ up, out .
Uqs-enn- _=_ bull, ox .
Uper _=_ over .
Upo _=_ under, up from under, over .
Wall- _=_ to be strong .
Wap- _=_ bad, evil
We- _=_ we {pronoun}
We- _=_ .
Web- _=_ .
Wed- _=_ .
Wed- _=_ .
Weq- _=_ .
Weq- _=_ .
WeI- _=_ .
WeId- _=_ to see .
WeIe- _=_ to go after, pursue with vigor; desire, force, power .
WeIq _=_ clan {social unit} .
WeIq- _=_ to bend, wind .
WeIq- _=_ to fight, conquer .
WeIp- _=_ to turn, vacillate, tremble ecstatically .
WeqtI- _=_ thing, creature .
WeqW- _=_ to speak .
Well- _=_ to wish, will .
Well- _=_ to turn, roll; curved, enclosing objects .
Welle- _=_ to strike, wound .
Wenn- _=_ to vomit .
Wenn- _=_ to desire, to strive for .
Wer- _=_ to beat, wound .
Wer- _=_ to raise, lift, hold suspended .
Wer- _=_ to turn, bend .
Wer- _=_ to percieve, watch out for .
Wer- _=_ to cover .
We-r- _=_ to speak .
We-r- _=_ water, liquid, milk .
'Were-o- _=_ true, trustworthy .
Werq- _=_ to do .
Wers- _=_ to confuse, mix up .
Wes- _=_ to live, dwell, pass the night; "to be"
Wes- _=_ to clothe .
Wes- _=_ to buy .
Wes-pero- _=_ evening, night .
Wes(r) _=_ spring {vernal} .
Wet- _=_ to blow, inspire, spiritually arouse .
Wet- _=_ year .
WI- _=_ apart, in half .
WIq-(m)tI _=_ twenty .
WI-ro- _=_ man .
W(ll)qWo- _=_ wolf .
W(ll)p-e- _=_ fox .
Wos _=_ you {plural} .
Wrad- _=_ branch, root .
Ye- _=_ to throw, impel .
Yeq- _=_ ice .
Yeq- _=_ to speak .
YeqW(r) _=_ liver .
Yer- _=_ year, season .
Yes- _=_ to boil, foam, bubble .
Yeu- _=_ vital force, youthful vigor .
Yeuq- _=_ to join .
YeWes- _=_ law .
YeWo- _=_ a grain, probably barley .
Yu- _=_ you {second person (plural) pronoun} .
WORD _=_ Definition .

Metes (*)


Ring B

"J\qYes-ar", attau'at-tollqW-bartabad. aubartabad-ayer-tollqW-bartabad.

J\qYes-teqwos-Yer. ayer-teqWenn-bartabad-*-aWo, J\qYes- tollqW-. J\qYes- tollqW.

bell-bartabad-*- aWo-aWoauau. Yer-beCW-J\eub-J\qYes- steIq-@-aWo. ayer-tell, J\qYes-teqWenn. spennd-J\qYes- sWeldsreu-sWeldsreu-WeIq-WeIq-ayer-Yer-Yer. ayer-J\eue-ayer-annnnsu-bell. ayer sWeldsreu-@ - aWo, aubartabad- annnnsu-ayer-tennnnt-steq-WeIq-*-aWo. ayer-apo-beCW. aubartabad-annnnsu-ayer-J\eue-bartabad-auau. aubartabad-J\eue-attau'at-bell- ayer-tollqW-bartabad. bartabad-aWo-aWo-ayer-as-bartabad, ayer-teqWenn.

J\qYes-ar-auaubartabad-annnnsu-bartabad, attau'at-tollqW-bartabad.

"Fitted together yesterday", Wary to speak of eternity. Wary now to speak of inquests.

Spoken of the infant for the year yesterday. Now the female adult relative takes suspiciously, spoken yesterday. Spoken yesterday.
To thrive, the suspicious adult female relative works to see! Male adult relative ran stridingly below through the year, male adult relative. Tell now, of the need yesterday. Sing of very nervously conquering supremely yesterday of this day ’s year!
Now the demon thrives completely. Related male adult now nervous, wickedly seeing the toothed demon now sticks to conquer.
(?) related adult female. Now runs away. To wickedly see - to try to see - demon today completely suspicious now. Inquest - revealing completeness thriving for eternity - now to speak suspiciously. The suspicious adult relative is more suspicious now!, now to take.

Fitted together yesterday" surprised by suspicious spirit, hesitant to speak of forever.


Metes is neither SVO, VSO, or anything adopts the grammatical sequence of the speaker -- I might say something in VSO, but you could reply in SVO or any other form, and neither of us would be violating Metes grammar.

Linking forms

Male - /schwa/ @
Female - /macron/ *
Impolite - /^/ ^

'Impolite' refers to items and subjects (such as porcupines) too dangerous, & (such as babies) where custom overrides grammar (the Metes consider it to be bad luck - in the most extreme way - to inquire as to a newborn's gender).

© Jan van Steenbergen, Rodlox, 3 Sept. 2004