Wnierdzej, 4 ugustu 2006 o.

Municipal elections in November

MIAMI — On Sunday, November 5, municipal elections will take place in Southeast Florida. It promises to become a historic day, as it will be the first time citizens of the Zona can choose their own representatives into their local bodies in completely free and democratic elections. "This is one giant leap ahead in the direction of Floridian self-government", governor-general Bambaryła said after he made the formal announcement. "If we can make these elections a success, we can proudly say we have a least partly succeeded in what we are here for."

The term free and democratic explicitly does not mean that just anybody can run for any office, the governor-general explained. "Obviously, in our current situation that would be impossible. We cannot allow bushists or silvists to become representatives of the people of Florida. Therefore, every candidate will need to be approved by the governorate first."

He waved away the complaints of some Floridians that November would be way too early. In their opinion, that would not give them the amount of time needed for the formation of new parties, which would jeopardise the democratic level of the elections. "That is nonsense", Bambaryła said. "There are plenty of parties already, both old ones and new ones. Three months is more than enough for them to prepare properly".

The governor-general also announced a referendum about the future status of Southeast Florida. He did not mention a date, though.