Łyńdzej, 4 sieciębrze 2006 o.

Huge victory for ŻŻŻ

The Venedic population has voted massively for the opposition in yesterday's parliamentary elections. The centre-left government of prime minister Floręć Drakoń retains only 71 of its 203 seats. The great winner of the elections is the ŻŻŻ of chancellor Marek Aldendorf and the twin brothers Kazimierz and Leoń Janać.

WARSINA — With 99.79 % of the votes counted, it has become abundantly clear that the ca. 21,3 million voters, who found their way to the ballot box, do not have much confidence left in Veneda's incumbent government. All parties that take part in Drakoń's coalition have lost more than half of their seats. Particularly dramatic is the loss for Drakoń's own party, the UD-DS, which falls back from 74 to 15 seats in the new Sejm, good for a pitiful 8th place on the ranking list.

The best result among the coalition parties was achieved by the WWPS. The polls had predicted no more than 5 % for the socialists, but at last it is supported by almost 8 % of the population. As a result, the WWPS retains 32 of its 68 seats. Part of its traditional electorate switched to the OLD (from 15 to 24 seats) and the SDPHiW (from 2 to 6 seats).

Most successful are the three parties that form the pillars of the Aldendorf government: the ŻŻŻ goes from 13 to 83 seats, the DN (in coalition with Nostra Galicja) from 28 to 40, and Sułodziefięca from 2 to 23. In all provinces except Prussia and Galicia, the ŻŻŻ received between 15 and 24 % of the votes. The National Democrats scored better than the polls had predicted. They did particularly well in the provinces where its traditional support is highest, Leonina (20.9 %) and Pieskłoweneda (19.6 %). Sułodziefięca scored the best result in Kujawia (14.4 %) and Grąweneda (12.6 %). A moderate success was also achieved by the "Lista Liberała", a joint list of the LiD and the PROB. It went from 7 to 12 seats.

Together, these four parties collect 158 of the 374 seats in the new Sejm. With the support of the Republican Bloc (19 seats), the WPP (14 seats) and perhaps a few smaller parties, ŻŻŻ leader Janać will be able to form a stable majority government. It is expected that later today King Witold will appoint him prime minister.

In a first reaction, Janać thanked the people who voted for him and announced the quick formation of a coalition. “The formation of a new government should not take more than two, maximum three weeks”, he said. “We all know what we want. We had a clear program, and the people of Veneda are supporting it. Now that we have gained their confidence, we should not waste our time. There is much work ahead of us. We will succeed where the previous government failed.”

Yesterday evening at 23:11, prime minister Drakoń publicly acknowledged his defeat and sent his congratulations the great winner of the elections, Kazimierz Janać. He announced his withdrawal from politics.

In total, the new Sejm consists of 28 parties. Particularly remarkable is the growth of the number of Ruthenian parties. Whereas the previous Sejm had only four of such parties (the RNDO, the ORWiL, the SDPHiW and the FUN), the new Sejm will have six. New are the republican HRP and the liberal HLDP (both 1 seat), two parties that recently broke away from the RNDO. Although the RNDO itself has lost two seats (from 41 to 39), the total number of Ruthenian deputies grows from 49 to 58. Other minorities' parties remained more or less stable or won slightly.

Veneda 2006: election results

Party/list %
ŻŻŻ Justice, Justice, Justice 14.83 % 83 6.53 % 13
DN/NG National Democracy/Our Galicia 11.03 % 40 7.65 % 28
RNDO Ruthenian National-Democratic Organisation 7.26 % 39 8.52 % 41
WWPS Venedic Unified Socialist Party 7.95 % 32 13.24 % 68
OLD Alliance of the Democratic Left 6.87 % 24 5.05 % 15
SKW Self-defense of Venedic Farmers 7.22 % 23 1.11 % 2
BR Republic Bloc 7.33 % 19 9.97 % 43
UD-DS Democratic Union 5.64 % 15 13.94 % 74
WPP Venedic People's Party 5.31 % 14 4.08 % 11
LL Liberal List (coalition of the LiD and the PROB) 4.25 % 12 3.89 % 7
SVP Saxon People's Party 2.05 % 8 2.11 % 6
ORWiL Organisation of Ruthenes in Veneda and Lithuania 1.61 % 7 0.95 % 4
SDPHiW Social-Democratic Party of Galicia and Volhynia 2.17 % 6 1.37 % 2
PKRDK Communist Party of the RTC 2.69 % 5 3.42 % 6
KRN Confederation for an Independent Republic 2.03 % 4 2.76 % 6
FUN Front of Ukrainian Nationalists 1.57 % 4 1.44 % 2
DSEP German-Saxon Unity Party 0.96 % 4 0.69 % 2
BNSP Neutral Bloc for the Support of Reforms 1.51 % 3 4.06 % 10
Labour Union 1.19 % 2 3.73 % 8
UPR Union for Real Politics 0.92 % 2
SPB Society of Baltic Prussians 0.47 % 2 0.49 % 2
HRP Galician Republican Party 0.95 % 1
Wierdzi Greens 0.91 % 1 0.96 % 1
DPWiL Democratic Party of Veneda and Lithuania 0.77 % 1 1.51 % 3
HLDP Galician Liberal-Democratic Party 0.64 % 1
MDŚ Democratic Movement of Silesians 0.24 % 1 0.30 % 1
WPG Unified Party of Grand-Veneds 0.22 % 1 0.56 % 3
FP Free Premaria 0.19 % 1 0.32 % 1
others/non-aligned 1.22 % 19 1.35 % 15
Total 100.00 % 374 100.00 % 374

Appendix: Veneda 2006: election results per province