The page of Brithenig


`Yn nediwn seint yn llinghedig, yn nediwn seint yn cor'

Lost in Translation

This is adapted from a translation of the Japanese found on the New York Times. In keeping with the spirit of the movie no translation is offered.

DIRECTOR (to the interpreter): Ill traddyger es marisaf, gwa ben? Ill traddyger.

INTERPRETER: Si, nadyralfent. Eo gompren.

DIRECTOR: Mr. Bob. Gw 'stath sidden cuidfent i ngwstr ystydd. E llâ sa's yn fythigl di whisky syrs lla fuis. Gw chompreneth, druith? Cu sentfent keirddal, llentfent, mirath a chamera, tenerfent, e alltresig se'w h-inghontrath di llo h-efig wegl, digeth llo pharol. Alltresig gw h-es Bogie i "Nghasablanca," diger, "Cheers to you guys."

INTERPRETER: He wants you to turn, look in camera. O.K.?

BOB: That's all he said?

INTERPRETER: Yes, turn to camera.

BOB: Does he want me to, to turn from the right or turn from the left?

INTERPRETER (to the director): Ys a parad agur. E-dd ys gwol saber, can lla gamera wollt, prefferri'gw k'ys gwollt a'll clig, o phrefferri'gw k'ys gwollt a'll druith? E-dd â's sorth cos ys toirew a saber, se'w nghoidath rhen.

DIRECTOR : Ill dew fodd es bel. Ill sorth di gos nghal rhen. Nu h-an rhen di demp, Bob, gwa ben? Gw ddefeth a yspigidar. Eilltath lla densiwn. Mirath a lla gamera. Llentfent, cu mhessiwn. Sa's pessiwn ke nu wolen. Comprene'gw?

INTERPRETER (to Bob): Right side. And, uh, with intensity.

BOB: Is that everything? It seemed like he said quite a bit more than that.

DIRECTOR: Am ke'w'st diger es rhen sulfent di whisky, gw sabeth. Comprene'gw? Sa's fil gw h-inghontrath di llo h-efig wegl. Cuidfent, tenerfent. Llentfent. Llaesath llo'wstr sentfent suryent byllentfent. Tensiwn es mar! Calfath ôlidar.

INTERPRETER (to Bob): Like an old friend, and into the camera.


DIRECTOR: You understand? You love whiskey O.K.?


DIRECTOR: O.K.? O.K., let's roll. Start.

BOB: For relaxing times, make it Suntory time.

DIRECTOR: Cut, cut, cut, cut, cut! Calf profar inganarmi. Calf ffinger ty nghompren rhen. Compren-ty fedissif ke nu phrofan ffager? Yst es di brifisaf. Ill son di llo pharol es mar. Sa's yn diad car. Yst es No. 1. Agur ffageth-llo anghor, e'w ddefeth a senhir k'yst es di brif. Gwa ben? Sa's rhen di'n whisky pad diwrn ty sab.

INTERPRETER: Could you do it slower and --

DIRECTOR: Cu mhly sentfent ystadig.

INTERPRETER: More intensity.


BOB: For relaxing times, make it Suntory time.

DIRECTOR: Cut, cut, cut, cut, cut! God, I'm begging you.

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