Kemr, Land of the Brithenig speakers


`Yn nediwn seint yn llinghedig, yn nediwn seint yn cor'

Some placenames that can be identified:

Castreleon: the capital, the city of legions. The old city is made up of Castrysc, where Curth Rhuial, the Royal Palace, is; and Castrwent, where Cas Gwent, the Toisag's Residence, is; and Byr to the north on the river Ysc. Greater Castreleon is referred to as ill Tyrdyr, the Territory.
Gwent: the home province, where Castreleon is. The major towns, outside of Castreleon, are Blyst in the east, Abergofein in llo Rhoen Therfrogaen, the Terfrogaen Peaks, and Nedd and Casllewg.
Termorgan and Defed: the provinces west of Gwent.
Ciwdad Paes: the provincial capital of Termorgan on the river Taf, includes the historic cathedral town Llandaf
Morddyn: the provincial capital of Defed on the river Tewy.
Dûnein: the great southern province, home of the Kerno.
Esca: the provincial capital of Dûnein
Glastein: the home of the Church of Kemr, in Dûnein.
Brêchelch: the Limestone Hills, the Sefren valley province between Dunein and Gwent.
Ill Paes: the Country, inland mountainous province divided from Gwent and Termorgan by the Terfrogaen Peaks.
Aberstuith: sea-side town in Caradeig'.
Gwenedd: northwest province of Kemr. Mont llo h-Eghil, the highest mountain in Kemr, is in Gwenedd.
Aberddui: second largest city in Kemr, on the northern river Dui.
Meddlan, Conad: towns outside of Aberdui.
Sewnt: Provincial capital of Gwenedd, overlooking the island Mon.
Gwrigon: largest town in the eastern border marches on the headwaters of the Sefren.
Erghein: district of the marches south of Gwrigon.
Pengryg, Selen, Muilfren: towns in the marches.
Casgwegl: market town on the Sefren.
Pluifairllagunblancoryllentiostillrhebiddgurypluitysiliocafurnrys: Mary's parish [by] the white hazels' pool, quite close to the rapid whirlpool [by] Tysilio's parish [which has] a red cave; a small town on the Great Western Railway in northern Kemr.

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