Relay 10/R

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ádh pn. 4p pronoun
ál pn. 1p inclusive pronoun ("I and others")
álan n. house
ám pn. 2p inclusive pronoun ("You and others")
andú v. to have
ár pn. 1p exclusive pronoun
aram n. ground, earth
arasú v. to attack
áth pn. 3p pronoun
athá conj. because
bé- prep. for, for the purpose of
car adj. evil
ces n. rest, remainder
cisceth n. window
cw- part. introduces a relative clause; see below
dan n. person
elend adj. beautiful
em- prep. with
erath conj. therefore
hwená n. woman
í conj. and
is- prep. through
lelú v. to hide
lisú v. to sing
lucíú v. to come
mean n. a lot, much
melethú v. to entertain
men adj. a lot, many
methú v. to play
mánú v. to ead
nel n. child
nóém n. (internal) organ, piece of the body
pelá n. skin
pelán n. story
radhú v. to tear, to rip
s- part. used in a relative clause; see below
sau conj. but
selú v. to search
senú v. to need, often used as an auxilliary
sá. adv. not
sé- prep possessive
ta n. thing
tapesú v. to spit
tasá n. tragedy, disaster
telú v. to ask
temú v. to hit
teselú v. to want
tisú v. to do
tw- pn. what (used in questions)
té- prep. to, towards
yesú v. to see
yúú v. to know


In the Interlinear

ACC - Accusative case
EP - Epicene (unkown or androgynous) gender
FEM - Feminine gender
IND - Indicative mood
INF - Infinitive mood
INT - Interogative mood
NEUT - Neuter (inanimate) gender
NOM - Nominative case
PAST - Past tense
PRSNT - Present tense

In the Lexicon (Part of speech abbreviations)

adj. - adjective
adv. - adverb
conj. - conjuction
n. - noun
part. - particle
pn. - pronoun
prep. - preposition
v. - verb


Matthew Kehrt

Ring A

Pelán Nelis Caró

  1. Tasé cwis ámí yúá, sí álé tam?
  2. Hwení elendá licé téálan béyesú nelé.
  3. Nelé áthí malath; áthí math emádh, í áthí les téádh.
  4. Sau hwené nelí oros.
  5. Pelé séhwenis nelí rodh í nóémé món í cesé topas iscisceth téaram.
  6. Twí saná tisú? Árí yú sá.
  7. Erath nelé árí lal, athá daní cwó sen sá telú mené, tasé sí sel í tesel andú té menó.

The Story of the Evil Child

  1. Do you know the disaster that hit us?
  2. A pretty woman came to a house to see a child.
  3. She entertained the child; she played with him and sang to him.
  4. But the child attacked the woman.
  5. The child ripped the woman's skin, ate the organ and spat the rest through the window to the ground.
  6. What should I have done? I do not know.
  7. Therefore I hid the child, because a man who looks for disaster and wants to have many things should not ask much.


In the interlinear, unmarked elements and elements that are marked through some way other than with a separate morpheme are in parentheses.

Pelán     Car.ó
pelán nel.NEUT   car.EP

1.  Tas.é    cwis    ám.í    yú.á,          sí    ál.é   tam?
    tas.ACC  cw.NEUT ám.NOM  yúú(PRSNT).INT s.NOM ál.ACC temú(PAST IND)

2.  Hwen.í   elend.á    licé            té.álan bé.yes.ú    nel.é.
    hwená.NOM elend.FEM lucíú(PAST IND) té.álan bé.yesú.INF nel.ACC

3.  Nel.é    áth.í   malath;           áth.í    math            em.ádh, í
    nel.acc  áth.NOM melethú(PAST IND) áth.NOM  methú(PAST IND) em.ádh, í

    áth.í   les            té.ádh.
    áth.NOM lisú(PAST IND) té.ádh

4.  Sau hwen.é    nel.í   oros.
    sau hwená.ACC nel.NOM arasú(PAST IND)

5.  Pel.é    sé   nel.í   rodh            í nóém.é   món
    pelá.ACC sé.hwen.NEUT nel.NOM radhú(PAST IND) í nóém.ACC mánú(PAST IND)

    í ces.é   topas            is.cisceth té.aram.
    í ces.ACC tapesú(PAST IND) is.cisceth té.aram

6.  Twí    san.á         tis.ú?  Ár.í    yú             sá.
    tw.NOM sen(PAST).INT tis.ú?  ár.NOM  yúú(PRSNT IND) sá

7.  Erath nel.é   ár.í   lal,            athá dan.í   cwó   sen  sá tel.ú
    erath nel.ACC ár.NOM lelú(PRSNT IND) athá dan.NOM cw.EP senú sá telú.INF

    mean.é,  tas.é   s.í   sel             í tesel             and.ú
    mean.ACC tas.ACC s.NOM selú(PRSNT IND) í teselú(PRSNT IND) andú.INF

    té     men.ó.
    tá.ACC men.EP

Notes on grammar

Evíendadhail is an OSV language. Adjectives follow their heads.

Adjectives match their heads in gender, but nouns in most cases are not marked for gender. If a noun is marked for gender, it is in the genitive and acting as an adjective, and it is marked for the gender of its head, not itself. This includes nouns which are governed by prepositions that modify nouns. If the object of the preposition is marked for gender, the prepositional phrase is adjectival and modifies the noun it follows; if the object of the preposition is not marked for gender, the prepositional phrase is adverbial and modifies the verb it follows.

In general, nouns have the gender of the sex of the object they refer to. Hence, in the above text, hwená is feminine and nel is epicene although this not marked (although hwená ends in what appears to be the feminine marker, this is part of the noun and not a separate morpheme.).

Prepositions are prefixes on their objects and govern genitive nouns.

There are a couple of uses in this text of auxilliary verbs. These are conjugated like any other verb, and are followed by the main verb in the infinitive form, which is very similar to how English does this.

Verbs are inflected for tense and mood and nouns for case and number. All nouns in this piece of text are of the same number, the unmarked basic number, which indicates a specific number of some object, but not how many.

The most difficult part of this text is probably the relative clauses. Evíendadhail uses two particles to indicate relative clauses. The first is cw- and the second is s-. The cw- particle is in the main clause and acts as an adjective. The noun it describes is then equated to the s- particle which is in the relative clause and acts as a noun. For example:

Daní céyáné cwis aras, sí mán.

Dan.é   céyán.í   aras,             s.í   mán.
man.ACC dog.NOM  cw.NEUT attack(PRSNT IND) s.NOM eat(PRSNT IND)

This means "The dog that eats attacks the man." In this example, the thing described by the adjective cwis is the same thing that that is the subject of the verb 'eat' in the next clause.

It is also possible for the s- particle to fill a role other than that of subject in the next sentence. For example:

Daní céyáné cwis aras, sé daní temen.

Dan.é   céyán.í   aras,             sé    daní    temen.
man.ACC dog.NOM  cw.NEUT attack(PRSNT IND) s.ACC man.NOM hit(PRSNT IND)

which means "The dog that the man hits attacks the man."

© Jan van Steenbergen, Matthew Kehrt, 22 Aug. 2004