
by Jake X

The Text

1. Acg col enmasleaseno yblecgalec.
2. Col titdo tdonanec lo gesto.  Ableddalec cg stenanm.  Cgycuacg. Sal cgolsto get ecolsto, gea't soatdda c.
3. Y col soatdde cgycuacgec acol.
4. Y cildea etitd sacatdec: "Sacdat eden, pital yblecga!"  Col enmasleasenc yblecgal apu cegac et cgycuon."
5. Gea li titd sacatdec: "Cuen ges ddacac cg yblecgon poat."
6. Y col enmasleasenc cemlo danm-ty. Gea son li titd ciu yblecgalec.

English version

1. When the evil people prayed.
2. Some teachers tell stories.  They belive in tradition. They hide.  They can do anything to anyone, except protect them.
3. So the protectors hid together.
4. And so, someone said to a teacher: "Tell us to pray! The evil people pray to see our hiding."
5. But the teacher said: "You already know all prayer."
6. And so, the evil people became angry.   But already the teacher had begun to pray.


Lenmoct Grammar is very gender-based.  Articles, pronouns, verbs and adjectives all decline for gender, which can be either masculine or feminine with feminine dominant.

Plurals are in -o if the word ends in a vowel and in -d if it ends in a consonant.

Adjectives decline for gender and follow their nouns for the most part, though in the case of a defining characteristic they are prefixed to the noun they describe.

Verbs inflect by tense (present or past) and by gender of subject.  The derivation of masculine and feminine forms from the stem is pretty painless but I'll give the gender stems to you in the glossary to save you work.  Past tense is -ec, added to the declined present form of the verb.

Pronouns decline for gender and number, and will be glossed under the glossary, except third person pronouns, which are identical to their specific article equivalents.

Articles are based on a system of general vs. specific, not definite and indefinite.  Mostly the specific forms cover the ground of both definite and indefinite in English, while general articles are used in sentences that introduce things or people that have not been mentioned before or serve as the cupola.  Sentences like that lack verbs.  Basically, if there is no verb and you see a general article, add a 'to be' or 'there is/are..' and you'll be fine.

Here is a table of articles:

          General  Specific  Plural
fem.        cil      li       col
masc.       ci       cg       cgol
f. inv.    lom      ciu       lo
m. inv.     dda     cioa      dol

Specificity in plurals is marked on the noun.  Specific plural nouns, because they require a disambiguating article, do not take plural edings, while general ones do. However, plural nouns marked for prefixed case (which have no articles) do not differ between general and specific and always get a plural ending.

Here are the case prefixes:

a(b)- : genitive
e(b)- : dative
u(s)- : ablative (not found in this relay)

The letters in parentheses are used if the noun begins in a vowel.

Lenmoct is basically SVO, but not strictly. Lenmoct transitive sentence structure is based on
the idea that the feminine noun acts on the masculine noun.  If a masculine noun is the subject or a feminine noun object, the noun that "went out of its place," as
it were, gets an 'inverse' article.  In any part of the sentence besides subj and obj a noun/pronoun takes its natural gender.  Lenmoct is pro-drop if the subject is feminine.

Often the verb to do or to make is left out and implied in various ways.  I've spent a while now trying to figure out how to make one use of this easier for you, and gave up, so if you get to some wierd verbless spot where to be doesn't work, and you can't figure out what it means, email me and I'll see if I can clarify it better.

One example of the the above is the translation of the verb 'to become.'  It literally means to make
oneself something, where 'something' takes the future suffix -ty.


Note-- declined/conjugated forms are listed
with their roots.

abledda - believe (in), the object is the idea believed in, fem. pres.
acol - together, not 'of the'
acg - marks temporal clauses
apu - in order that, so that
c - object placeholder, stands in place of object where unnecessary or
cega - to see, fem. cegac
cemlo - themselves fem. pl. inverse
cildea - someone (f)
cg - article, see table
colsto (f) - everyone
cgolsto - anything
cgycua - to hide, fem. cgycuacg
cgycuon - hiding, instance of hiding
col - article, see table
cuen - already
cui - inceptive mood auxiliary adverb, to start (doing something), to begin
danm - angry
eden - us dative
enmasleasenc (f)- evil person
et - our fem. *note: genitive not possesive
gea - but, however
gea't - except, everything except for one thing
ges - you fem. pl. (inverse/noninverse not distinguished in plural pronouns)
gest - story
li - article, see table
lo - article, see table
pital - should, modal adverb
poatd - whole, entire, every, masc. poat
sacda - to say, fem. sacatd, imperitive sacdat
sal - modal adverb, can, able to
soatdda - to protect
soatdde - protector
son - already
stenanm (m) - tradition, religion, the holy writings
tdona - to say, tell, fem. pres. tdonan
titd (f) - teacher, mentor
-ty - suffix meaning the root manifests itself in
the future
y - so, then, and so
yblecga - pray, fem. pres. yblecgal
yblecgon - prayer