[ polski ]

Dialekcie Lęgwie Wenedczej

Dialects of the Venedic Language

The Republic of the Two Crowns is a country with an extraordinarily high level of regionalism. Same goes for Wenedyk, which is particularly rich in dialects: almost every region appears to have some local form of the language, and neighbouring villages with mutually hardly understandable dialects are far from exceptional.

In general, Wenedyk dialects can be subdivided into nine main groups:

  • dialekcie mazowianie (Mazovian dialects), spoken in and around the capital Warsina. This group forms the basis for Standard Literary Wenedyk (SWL);
  • dialekcie grąwenedcze (Grand-Venedic dialects), spoken in the western territories;
  • dialekcie przemarzanie (Premarian dialects), a small group of dialects spoken in the Northwest, which underwent a relatively strong influence from Low Saxon;
  • dialekcie pieskłowenedcze (Little-Venedic dialects), spoken in Pieskłoweneda in the South (among other places, in the second city of Veneda, Kordyn). Characteristic for this group is for example the pronunciation of “cz” like “c”. This group also includes the so-called dialekcie mętanie (Mountaineers' dialects);
  • dialekt cieszyńki (Teschen dialect); spoken by most of the 600,000 Wenedyk speakers in Bohemia. This dialect is close to Pieskłowenedyk;
  • dialekcie orzętale (Eastern dialects); mostly a rest group of Lithuanian-, Belarusian- and Ukrainian-influenced dialects, for example galiczany (Galician), spoken mostly in Galician cities, the related dialect of South Liublin, and the dialekt akęci, spoken in Suślewia and the Northern part of Liublin province. Characteristic is the “Russian” pronunciation of “ł”;
  • Ślężany (Silesian), spoken by 900,000 speakers in Bohemia (North of the Otra) and another 450,000 in Veneda (Grąweneda and Ślęża, mostly). Broadly recognised as a separate language, although ardent Venedic nationalists still claim it a dialect of Wenedyk. Click here for a broader description;
  • Morawenedyk (Moravian, Mériš), spoken by 400,000 people in Moravia in the South the Bohemian Kingdom. Some argue that Morawenedyk is a separate language, others consider it a peripheric dialect of Wenedyk, others prefer to think of it as a transitory dialect between Wenedyk, Slevanian (Slvanjec) and Bohemian (Pémiš);
  • Wasiwenedyk (Fasäfentiš) and Ołomętany (Olmycan), two Wenedyk-Bohemian interdialects, both spoken in Bohemia and influenced by Slezan and Slvanjec respectively.