Relay 10/R

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Etymological glossary

a (intj) < Lat. A
ad (prep) < Lat. AD
adug (adv) < Lat. ADHUC
agora (adv) < Lat. AC HORA
asautari (v) < LLat. ASSALTARE
atinchuni (v) < Lat. ATTENTIONEM
averi (v) < Lat. AVERE
aviniri (v) < Lat. ADVINIRE
barrari (v) < Gmc. WARDAN
candari (v) < Lat. CANTARE
canda (n) < candari < Lat. CANTARE
credura (n) < LLat. CREATURA
chu (adv) < cf. Sic. chiu - much/many
davagari (v) < Sem. = to be mute, silent, at a loss for words, to shut up
devorari (v) < Lat. DEVORARE
dilepari (v) < Lat. DELECTARE
discarñeri (v) < VLat. DIS + CARNEM + ERE
domu (n) < Lat. DOMUM
dji (prep) < Lat. DE
Dju (n) < Lat. DEUS
ed (conj) < Lat. ET
eseri (v) < Lat. ESSE
etc. (phrase) < Lat. ET CETERA
exedincha (n) < Lat. EXCDO + ENTIA
falari (v) < Pun. FEL = to make, do
Fata (n) < Lat. FATA
fid (conj, int pron) < Lat. QUID? = what
fistu (dem pron) < NAVL QUE + ISTE
huimina (n) < Lat. FEMINA
huinestra (n) < Lat. FENESTRA
inodjedu (adj) < inodjeri < Lat. INODIARE
isu (dem pron) < Lat. IPSE
jan (pron) < Lat. ILLAM or EAM
jepari (v) < VLat. IECTARE < Lat. IACTARE
jogu (n) < jogari < Lat. IOCARE
juvina (adj) < Lat. IUVENUM
idavi (adv) < NAVL ITA + QUI
imvistu (adv) < NAVL IN + QUI + ISTU
in (prep) < Lat. IN
malu (adj) < Lat. MALUM
miteri (v) < Lat. MITTERE
nostru (pron) < Lat. NOSTRUM
mutu (adv) < Lat. MULTA
nu (adv) < Lat. NON
objicheri (v) < Lat. OBIICERE
ocurreri (v) < Lat. OCCURRERE
pera (prep) < Lat. PER AD
peru (conj) < Lat. PER HOC
pervia (conj, adv) < Lat. PER QUIA
peu (prep) < Lat. PER
poderi (v) < Lat. POSSE
pregumpa (n) < VLat. PRECUNCTARE (cf. Sp. pregunta)
pridji (adv) < Lat. PRAE DIE
pubuigu (n) < Lat. PUBLICUM
si (adv) < Lat. SI
u (intj) < Lat. O
verimindi (adv) < Lat. VERU + MENTE
verra (n) < Gmc. WERRA
veu (adv) < Lat. VEL
xiri (v) < Lat. SCIRE

"¡Atinchuni!: ¡Canu malu!", means "Beware of the dog". The title appears to be some kind of a play on this common sign


adj. - adjective
adv. - adverb
conj. - conjunction
dem pron. - demonstrative pronoun
F - feminine
intj. - interjection
int pron. - interrogative pronoun
Lat. - Latin
LLat. - Late Latin
M - masculine
N - neuter
NAVL - North African Vulgar Latin
nom. - nominative
gen. - genitive
Gmc. - Germanic
per pron. - personal pronoun
pf. - perfect
pl. - plural
prep. - preposition
pos pron. - possessive pronoun
Pun. - Punic
sg. - singular
Sic. - Sicilian
v. - verb
VLat. - Vulgar Latin.

Carrajena (*)

Adam Walker

Ring R

¡Atinchuni!: ¡Credura mala!

«¡Dju miu! ¿Fid imvistu ocurred?»

«Pridji avinid al verra ad ul domu nostru, huimina juvina, idavi barraveri in als creduras. Aved nifaladu al fista pervia eseud podudu peu'ls jogus djals Fatas: erad xidelepandu jan peu candandu als candas, etc. Peru veu aved ñesautadu isa credura, aved nidiscarñedu, nidevoradu, adug aved nijepadu djal huinestra als exedinchas.»

«¿A fid ocurrid? ¿U fid ocurrid?»

«Verimindi nu xiu. Ed idavi adug agora nidavagans uls limbaxcuus nostrus, pervia si nu avejevad mitudu fistu nu avejevad objichdu ul pubuigu pera als pregumpas mutu chu inodjedu.»

In case some of the extra caracters get mangled:
« = double bracket open quotes
» = double bracket close quotes
¡ = upsidedown exclamation point
¿ = upsidedown question mark
ñ = n-tilde

Warning! Bad Baby!

"Heavens! What happened here?"

"Yesterday, war came to our house, young lady, so guard the children. This has happend because of the whims of the Fates: she was amusing herself singing songs, etc. But thus, this child was attacked, stripped of flesh, devoured and the remains thrown out the window."

"Oh, what happened? What happened?"

"I really don't know. And thus to this day our toungues cleave to the roofs of our mouths, because if this had not been set in motion, the people would not have been subjected to such horridly hateful interrogations."

Some notes on grammar

Carrajena is an alternate timeline Romance language spoken in and around the ancient city of Carthage. It has a strong Punic substrate with significant Greek and Arabic adstrates.

Word order is VSO due to the underlying Semitic influence. Nouns, and adjectives have only one case,but personal pronouns retain a few other forms.

Nouns have three genders (masculine, feminine, neuter), and two numbers (singular, plural). Articles agree with their nouns in gender and number and are used much more liberally than in English or most Romance languages. Adjectives agree with the noun in number and gender. They are placed after their nouns. Possessive pronouns may come before their nouns.

Verb moods and tenses included in this text are: present, past perfect, simple past, conditional, and subjunctive.

In this text, five prepositions will be encountered. Dji, in, ad, peu, pera. Only dji and peu form written contractions with following articles.

You will encounter the following forms and endings:

  • Verb endings: (Drop -ari, -eri, -iri before adding)
    • -ad, -ed, -id: PAST INDICATIVE, 3rd person sg.
    • -adu, -udu, -idu: PAST PARTICIPLE
    • -andu, -indu, -indu: GERUND
    • -ans, -ins, -ins: PRESENT INDICATIVE, 3rd person pl.
    • -averi, -everi, -iveri: FUTURE SUBJUNCTIVE, 2nd person sg.
    • -u, -eu, -iu: PRESENT INDICATIVE
    • aved + PP: PERFECT INDICATIVE, 3rd person sg.
    • avejevad + PP: PAST CONDITIONAL, 3rd person sg.
    • eseud + PP: PRESENT SUBJUNCTIVE, 3rd person sg.
    • erad + GER: PAST CONTINUOUS, 3rd person sg.
    • ni-: PASSIVE VOICE
    • xi-: REFLEXIVE
  • Noun endings:
    • -a: feminine
    • -i: neuter
    • -u: masculine
    • -s: plural (added after the gender)
  • Adjective endings:
    • -a:
    • -i:
    • -u:
    • -s: plural (added after the gender)
    • -minti: adv. (added to the neuter)
  • Personal pronouns:
    • jan:
  • Demonstrative pronouns:
    • isu: - that
    • fistu: - this
  • Articles:
    • al:
    • als:
    • il:
    • ils:
    • ul:
    • uls:
    These articles can form (nearly mandatory) contractions with dji and peu.

© Jan van Steenbergen, Adam Walker, 13 Aug. 2004