Relay 10/R

List of translations

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Next (Khangaþyagon)

Proto-Drem Lexicon

- Comma
-- Exclamation mark, end of a sentence, Question mark
Ķaĝ- No one
Ţéaal cycle, course of events
Ķas- These, Those
Ýès- Its’ (3rd PP Inanimate)
mèàlaş- Interrogative, Present tense, Imperfective aspect, Active voice
Ķàm yes, a description when one is unsure or just giving a standard answer. Since this form of No is used often for an unsure or a straight out lie, one is never sure of a correct answer. Allies or friends are given the absolute form instead of this form. Strangers are used this form, since strangers are not yet known to be friend or foe.
Ķàn no, a description is when one is unsure or lying: No baby, I didn’t lie to ya. Also used when a general answer of no is used. Since this form of No is used often for an unsure or a straight out lie, one is never sure of a correct answer. Allies or friends are given the absolute form instead of this form. Strangers are used this form, since strangers are not yet known to be friend or foe.
Çoĝ else/or
–kâşom Severe Neutral (used for emphasis, good, bad or neutrally)
Àg adjective marker
Duĝ To happen, to occur
-l Flip morpheme that turns a noun into a verb and vice versa
Grìđ care
Zar In order to
-ti little one, and those thought of with affection, also a child
Naţ For (causes)
Ye It (3rd PS Animate) used if male/femaleness is not known
mèềĝêş- Indicative, Plurperfect tense, Perfect aspect, Active voice
Žâş And
Glúm to be attractive, attention getting
Grop vulva, woman, sexual charm
Tròs house, settlement
Súoz father
Şṓ- I, Me
Zè-, Zō- He, Him
Žà-, Žó- self
Mềeź to play
Plúōg to sing, exultation, jubilation
Ðlón strong, healthy
Źlâý bad, evil
Şrútt to tear up, rend
Tlal to eat
Ýề-, Ýú- It (3rd PS Inanimate)
Gṓ She, Her (2nd PS Animate)
Ýō It (3rd PS Inanimate)
Zarnaţ a rare complex conjunction combining of ‘in order to’ & ‘for’ which means ‘in order for’
Kàìźêş Conditional, present tense, Perfect, active voice
Şèžà I+self meaning “myself” or “I, me” when used by itself instead of just the pronoun Şè
(I , me)
Yềềĝeş Indicative, Progressive aspect, Perfect tense, Active voice
Biđ Because
Yíaĝ thought, understanding
kààdêş Negative, Present tense, Perfect, Active voice
Ţull Confusion (emphasizing the whole emotion in the sentence)
Ţóop To speak
Pèb before, in front of
a Ergative
i Dative
--- Absolutive
èĝ, uĝ Genitive
Ţèţề You + Possessive = Your
Gúâź Tongue, Speech, Language
Bréik both
gềềţaş Optative, future tense, Imperfect aspect, Active voice
Şes We

Proto-Drem (*)

Kevin Urbanczyk

Ring B

Mèàlaşķasýesţéaalàglduĝkâşom-- Ķàm Çoĝ Ķàn—
Yeti mèềĝêşgrìđ-
Gṓglúmzṓsgropaâk Mèềĝêşķèş Ýōtròsâk--
Zarnaţ Zōsúozâk kàìźêşplúōg Şèžà-
Zè Yềềĝeşmềeź Žâş Zè Yềềĝeşplúōg Zèžà--
Biđ Zèźlâýàgsúoz yềềĝeşđlón-
Zè Ýèa Mèềĝêşşrútt Žâş Ýèa Mèềĝêştlal—
Şes gềềţaş Bréik--
Şes gềềţaş Bréik--
Ţèţề Mèềĝêşblozàgyáêêgàggúâź--
Şè kààdêşyíaĝa Ţull--
Şèa Ķaĝpèbi mèềĝêşţóop Ķasţéaal--

(Have/did) these/those events just occur? Yes or No? [Spoken with great emphasis]
In order to care for the child,
The attractive women entered (went into) the dwelling.
In order for the father to entertain me (myself),
He continuously/always sung and played by himself.
Because the bad/evil father was strong,
He tore it apart and he ate it.
Will we both?
Will we both?
Your speech was irritating jealousy.
“I don’t understand”
I spoke in front of/before no one (of) these events.

Proto-Drem Grammar bits

  1. One thing to look for is generally a NP-VP-NP word order, but Proto-Drem breaks that pretty easily and is generally (like a Poly-Lang) used to a free word order. Make sure you look at context, since the word order can be reversed... instead of a strange VSO, it is usually made SVO, or SOV to keep the initial noun phrase. But not always, rarely, a phrase (word) can be made as a long verb phrase
  2. Since there is basically no vowel harmony or tone “altercations” in this text, I won’t need to go into how phrasal tones and vowel harmony changes stuff around.
  3. With words. Always remember, TAMV/Pronoun-Adj/Adv-Modifiers-Root. The root that is talked of is nearly always at the rear. The most common suffix is the article (a/the)
  4. Watch for a flip morpheme.. it is used commonly to make an adjective into an adverb or vice versa…where a noun phrase then become a verb phrase, etc…
  5. TAMV markers are expressive creatures, in one marker, they contain the Tense, Aspect, Mood AND Voice... so a small marker can contain a lot of info.
  6. Watch for ‘—‘ since it is a period ‘.’, exclamation mark ‘!’ AND Question mark ‘?’ One must look at the context to determine which usage it has.
  7. Watch for emotion markers, they are words at the end of a sentence and color the emotion of the whole sentence, which usually is used for Poetry and speech if one feels it’s important enough to declare your emotional state at that time.
  8. Watch the context!, I figure you will ask questions…

Smooth English translation from Byashrei to Proto-Drem

Have these events just occurred, Yes or No?? (Spoken with emphasis)
In order to care for the child,
The attractive women entered the dwelling
In order for the father to entertain me,
He sung and he played by himself.
Because the cruel father was strong,
He tore it apart and ate it.
Are we both?
Will we both?
Your speech was bothersome jealousy.
“I don’t understand”
I spoke to no one of these events

© Jan van Steenbergen, Kevin Urbanczyk, 18 Aug. 2004