Relay 10/R

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la amora (noun) amor
la anégusté (noun) angustiae
at (preposition) ad
atjutar (verb) adiutare
la atoleşéna (noun) adolescens
aturor (verb) adoriri
bénévés (adv) bene + venire
béra (adjective) belle
candar (verb) canto
(adverb) quae
ceppe (adjective) quippe
la céşéo (noun) quaestio
cu (preposition) cum
cumesar (verb) comesse
(preposition) de
dépus (adverb) de + post
divişelis (adjective) difficilis
Dju (proper noun) deus
lu domu (noun) domus
dormor (verb) dormio
éri (adjective) heri
et (conjunction) et
étur (verb) esse
faşéor (verb) facio
la fenestra (noun) fenestra
féror (verb) ferio
granda (adjective) grandis
(interjection) "wow"
jaşéor (verb) jacio
ludar (verb) ludio
la luda (noun) ludus
malu (adjective) malus
més (adjective) magis
lu moņşo (noun) monitio
neseze (adverb) necesse
non (particle) non
lu pervulu (noun) parvulus
pozur (verb) possumo
lu pir (noun) puer
polisi (noun) (french) police
pur (adjective) per
pus (adjective) post
lu relicu (noun) reliquum
restar (verb) resto
şelenşu (adjective) silentium
ser (preposition) super
serta (adjective) certus
si (particle) si
susecor (verb) subsequor
lu tempu (noun) tempus
tot (adjective) totus
varjus (adjective) varius
vatar (verb) vado
venor (verb) venio
verumém (adverb) verus
vuléor (verb) (french) vouloir

Regimonti (Rumanşa) (*)

Scotto Hlad

Ring Q

Moņşo! Lu Pir Malu!

Pur amora dé Dju! Cé Pu-éu étur cé é susecé? Hé! Éri una serta béra atoleşéna vémo at nu domu candar au pervulu. Éa faşimo tot cé éa pozimo ludar cu lu pervulu:

Éa ludaşama varjus ludas cu um, éa candaşama at um, “Dorm Mu Pervulu Dorm” et atjutaşama.

Més dépus lu pir am aturémo et am férémo! Éu am cumesaşama et pus éu jaşimo lés relicus es la fenestra! Cé pimu-nus faşéor? Si verumém, nus ému ina granda anégusté! Cé pimu-nus faşéor? Hé! Éu é unu tempu divişelis! Éu é neseze cé nus restiému şelenşu ser cé susecémo. Dé mas o non vuléje vatar ajés polisi! Éu é ceppe cé sés céşéos non serien bénévés.

Warning! Bad Boy!

For the love of God! What (can it be that) has happened? Wow! Yesterday a particular, beautiful teen-aged girl came to our house to sing to [our] boy. She did all that she could to play with [our] boy:

She played various games with him, she sang to him, “Sleep My Little One Sleep” and helped [out].

But after, the boy attacked her and hit her! He ate her and then he threw the leftovers out the window! What can we do? We surely are in a tight spot! What can we do? Wow! [What] a difficult time! It is necessary that we stay silent over what has happened. Moreover, I would not rush to the police. It is sure that their questions will may not be welcome.

Some notes on grammar

For pronouns etc., see regimonti_general_notes.pdf.
For verbal paradigms, see regimonti_conjugation.pdf.

© Jan van Steenbergen, Scotto Hlad, 17 Sept. 2004