
by Adam Walker

The Text

Ul Davu djul Tempuu

Judi mi.  Adjirga ul rapu ed ul davu djul tempuu ju minchunaju.

Oilvecu, ul rapu jun eru djerrandu ed junu tempuu jid discuvrid.  Ils djojejis ed djemis fi ul davu djul tempuu isis barrud, jun isis jun dezirrud.

Junu djurnu fuid avudu, ul davu ad ul rapu jun vided adjirga ul tempuu.  Ul davu ad jun loved, "Ils djojejis mius dezirrandus si? Si veru, nun uls isus nun suns avi."

Ul rapu jun respunded, "Nun esti.  Solu junu predipu dezirru."

"Ul fistu tempuu uls dolorus ed lagrimas jid tu dajid."  Fistu ul viju fi verumendi ul davu jun vided.

Debostu, pervia ul fistu predipu ul rapu jun fudjed ed ascundid in uls remodus.


The Seer of the Temple

Hear me.  I will tell you about the thief and the seer of the temple.

Once upon a time, a thief was wondering around and discovered a temple.  He desired the jewels and gems which the seer of the temple guarded.

A day came when the seer saw the thief around the temple.  The seer said, "Do you desire my jewels?  If so, they are not here."

The thief replied, "Not so.  I only desire a prediction."

"This temple will give you troubles and tears."  Truely, this was the vision the seer saw.

Then, because of this prediction the thief fled and hid in distant places.


ul/uls -- masc. form of the definite article
al/als -- fem.  form of the definite article
il/ils -- neut. form of the definite article
di -- of (forms contractions with the above articles)
davu -- oracle, seer
tempuu -- temple
judiri -- to listen
mi -- 1st sg. obj. pron.
adjirga -- about, concerning, on
rapu -- thief
ed -- and
ju -- 1st sg. subj. pron.
minchunari -- to tell a story
olivecu -- "once upon a time"
jun -- 3rd sg. masc. subj. pron.
eseri -- to be
djerrari -- to wander, to stray, to go astray, to err
junu -- one, a
jid -- 3rd sg. inanimate pron.
discuvriri -- to discover, to find
djojeji -- a piece of jewelery
djemi -- gem
fi -- that, which
isu -- that
barrari -- to guard
dezirrari -- to desire, to want, to seek
djurnu -- day
averi -- to have
videri -- to see, to view
ad -- to
loveri -- to speak
miu -- mine
si -- it, if, yes
veru -- true
nun -- no, not (form used before a vowel or
avi -- here
respunderi -- to answer, to respond
solu -- only, alone
predipu -- prediction
fistu -- this
doloru -- pain
lagrima -- tear
dari -- to give
viju -- vision
verumendi -- truely
debostu -- after, afterwards, later, next, since, then
pervia -- because
fudjeri -- to flee
ascundiri -- to hide
in -- in
remodu -- far, distant


All plurals are formed by adding -s.

All adjectives, demonstratives and articles agree with their noun for gender and number.  The exception being possessive adjectives.

Forms of To Be:
eru -- 1st sg. impf.  indic.
esti -- 3rd sg. pres. indic.
suns -- 3rd pl. pres. indic.
si -- 2nd sg. pres. indic.
fuid -- 3rd pl. pret. indic.

Imperatives add -i to the stem in 2nd person, (except -ari verbs which add -a)

pres. indic. endings:

-ari    -eri    -iri

-u      -eu     -iu
-a      -i      -i
-ada    -edi    -idi
-ad     -ed     -id
-amus   -emus   -imus
-as     -es     -is
-adas   -edis   -idis
-ans    -ins    -ins

Pret. indic. endings:

-ari    -eri    -iri

-a      -i      -i
-sti    -esti   -isti
-sti    -esti   -isti
-ud     -ed     -id
-umus   -emus   -imus
-astis  -estis  -istis
-astis  -estis  -istis
-aruns  -eruns  -iruns

Future simple:

-ari    -eri    -iri

-aju    -eju    -iju
-aji    -eji    -iji
-ajedi  -ejidi  -ijijdi
-ajed   -ejid   -ijid
-ajimus -ejimus -ijimus
-ajis   -ejis   -ijis
-ajidis -ejidis -ijidis
-ajuns  -ejuns  -ijuns

Past part.

-adu    -udu    -idu


-andu   -indu   -indu

Passives are formed with the appropriate tense of To Be + past part

Present continuous is formed with the present indic. of To Be + the gerund.

Past continuous is formed with the past indic. of To Be + the gerund.