Relay 10/R

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achycuc (masculine nominative noun) ‘illegitimate son’ < Berber
ahuaquie (adverb) < AFFACIE
arcyfonque (feminine noun) ‘badly made house’ < Berber
asart (verb) < ASSALTUM
at (auxiliary verb) < ADIT
au (vocative)
baux (pronoun) < VOS
ben (verb) < VENTUM
ben (verb) < VENIT
ber (neuter noun) < BELLUM
bertat (adverb) < VERITATEM
cantiaun (feminine noun) < CANTIONEM
carmn (neuter noun) < CARMEN
caux (feminine noun) < CAUSA
cax (feminine noun) < CASA
chat (verb) < STATUM
concha (preposition) < CONTRA
-cu (enclitic) < QUE
deroct (verb) < DELECTATUM
debrat (verb) < DEVORATUM
dibin (masculine noun) < DIVINUM
dict (verb) < DICTUM
do (preposition) < DE
eca (personal pronoun, stronger than fsa) < Etr. EC-/IC-
eu (verb) < EHU < EHEU
fofrau (masculine noun) < POPULUM
for (preposition) < PER
fraurex (plural feminine noun) < PROLES
fsa (feminine nominative pronoun, feminine article) < IPSAM
fsau (masculine nominative pronoun, masculine article) < IPSUM
fsaux (masculine plural article) < IPSOS
fsax (feminine plural article) < IPSAS
futat (conjunction) < PUTATUM
huat (feminine noun) < FATUM
huact (verb) < FACTUM
huaqui (feminine noun) < FACIEM
huemn (feminine noun) < FEMINAM
hueractata (adjective) ‘aggressive’ < Berber HUERACTAT
huin (feminine noun) < FINEM
huomyntsa (feminine noun) < FEMIN- + Etr. Dimin. -TSA
huonochra (feminine noun) < FENESTRAM
iact (verb) < JACT
iam (adverb) < JAM
iraunh (feminine noun) < IRONIAM
iubonau (adjective) < JUVEN- + -OSA
iygrat (verb) < JUGULATUM
pe (relative pronoun) < QUAE
pech (relative pronoun) < QUAE EST
majyx (conjunction) < MAGIS
mamne (adverb) < MAGN- + -E
mandat (verb) < MANDATUM
mu (nominative pronoun) < ME
mi (first person adjective) < MI
narat (verb) < NARRATUM
nauch (possessive adjective) < NOSTER
naun (negative particle) < NON
naut (verb) < NOTUM < GNOSCO
och (verb) < EST
ori (adverb) < HERI
os (verb) < ESSE
ot (conjunction) < ET
raxna (masculine noun) < Etr. RASNA ‘league’
refrobat (verb) < RE+PROBATUM
rymb (feminine noun) < LINGUAM
tact (verb) < TACTUM
te (accusative pronoun) < TE
tsa (diminutive) < Etc. -ZA
uncu (conjunction) < UNQUAM
xarbat (verb) < SALVATUM
xi (conjunction) < SI
xict (adverb) < SICUT
xnenat (feminine noun) ‘maid, Mary Mother of God’ < Etr. SNENATH
xort (verb) < SERVAT
xy (reflexive pronoun) < SUUM
y,n (preposition) ‘towards, to’ < IN
yb (adverb) < IBI
ynterjatiaun (feminine noun) < INTERROGATIONEM

Uchunata (*)

Marcus Miles

Ring R

Xarbat te a fsa huemyntsa

“Au mi dibin! Pe caux och fsa ben e’[y]b.”

“Ori, fsa ber at ben e nauch arcyfonque, au iubonau achycuc, d’uncu huaquiun y xarbat baux e huemnax! Fsa rat huact e fsa iraunh do xy huat: fsa’[o]ch huomyntsa pech xort deroctat cantiaunex carmna-cu’[o]t xict hueractata.”

Majyx yb x[y]’eca xort ot asart ot iygrat ot debrat, futan y fsau huin fsau refrobat och iact e fsax huonochrax.”

“Eu, pe caux fsa’[o]ch ben? Narat, y nomn do xnenat, pe caux fsa‘ch ben?”

“Mu naun xorbau naut bertat. Ot fsax rympax do naux xun te uncu iam ahuaqui, for xi fsa caux xyt mandat do fsa fraurex, xyt at chat huaqui concha mamne do fofrau odiauxau y fsa’[y]nterjatiaun.”

Maintain thyself against broads

“O my God! What cause [of war] is this that has entered from here?”

“Yesterday, the beauty/war entered our squalid hut, o young illegitimate son, ever make to maintain you [in general] against women.”

“She was made from the irony of her fate: she is the broad who delights in songs and poems and thus has the behavior of a virago.”

“Rather, there that woman dashes, destroys, and gulps down, thinking to the end that the reproof is thrown from the windows.”

“Alas, what cause is this that enters? Tell me, by the Maid’s name, what cause is this that enters?”

“I do not know the truth. And our phrases ever now are a clear appearance for you, through if the cause were ordered of the mob, the appearance would stand, contrary and to a great degree, of a people hateful towards the question.”



In Uchunata, the development into ts or ch [t_S], x [S] or [s] are not wholly consistent; this is just so you know, if you look at my site. The vowels /y/ and /o/ are often elided, but I have included them in brackets, since these vowels distinguish minimal pairs.


Uchunata nouns are masculine (sg. –0/-au, pl. -aux), feminine I (sg. –0/-a, pl. –ax), feminine II (sg. –0, pl. –ex), neuter (sg. -0/-au, pl. –a). Adjectives are masculine (sg. –au, pl. –aux), feminine (sg. –a, pl. –ax), and neuter (sg. –0/-au, pl. –a). The definite article and deictic pronoun is feminine fsa, fsax and masculine fsau, fsaux; the reflexive pronoun is xy; eca, ecau is rare; in general Uchunata pronouns are substantially underdifferentiated compared to Latin.


Main verbs are inflected for person and number in the present (xorbau, xorx, xort, xorbax, xorbach, xorn). The non-present tenses are synthetic, composed of an auxiliary verb and a verbal infinitive, derived from the Latin passive participle. Unlike the verbal adjectives, the verbal infinitive is not declined, giving in the same form as some neuter singulars. The imperfect auxiliary is xort, the perfect is at; in the passive, the auxiliaries are tenses of the verb os to be; present och, imperfect rat, future ryt; in the non-indicative present xyt, imperfect ost. Once again, Uchunata is underdifferentiated in moods; but then, so is Hebrew.

© Jan van Steenbergen, Marcus Miles, 23 Aug. 2004